They All Deserve Crowns
They All Deserve Crowns
6 x 13
Oil on Birch Panel
Maple Shadow Frame
Shipping is Included. This painting is ready to ship. I typically ship UPS and it normally takes 3-5 days depending on how close you are to Richmond, VA.
There is a companion piece before this one on my site.
There is a companion piece before this one of them not in crowns. ! I thought these were sold but was never able to finish the transaction so decided to offer them again.
I am not sure of a lot of things, mostly unsure about most things, but I am sure no little girl ever chose what color she is or should considered any less than anyone else for her skin color, where she was born.. And all little girls deserve a crown. There is a lot more behind these pieces but those who know me, know what I mean.
I would love to see these go to the same home and hanging together but I do feel like they are strong on their own, too.