Touch Up

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Touch Up


12 x 16

Oil on Linen

Maple Shadow Frame

This painting is from a series of the former laundry lady who is walking her dog and window shopping. But then she went to a party and had to touch up her lipstick. The paintings just tend to evolve like that and while you re working on them, you just let it happen.

No matter what else, it has been the year of the woman. Being one, myself, it has been a good year to be an artist. It has shown through in my artwork, always in ways that are not planned, and certainly not in any political way, but the women have been landing on canvases and they look to be pretty comfortable there. At any rate, not on purpose, but I don’t think you can be alive creating right now without some kind of contemporary news and happening creeping into your artwork. She is definitely empowered. As it should be.


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