Nighttime Lights
Nighttime Lights
20% off this weekend only
30 x 40
Oil on Linen
Dark Wood Grain Frame with gold front accent
Last Winter was long and brutal here in Richmond, but I could not get over the amazing beauty of how it looks when it snows, especially at night when the contrast is so luscious with the light of the windows and the blue blacks of the snow. This painting is hard to photograph for a couple of reasons. One is it was varnished very recently so it is throwing me a curve with the reflection and the other is it is a night painting and they are never easy to catch with the camera while looking amazing on a wall. One thing you need to consider with this piece is it should have a direct light on it where it is hanging. It is a beautiful and powerful piece but without the benefit of a nice light on it, it will feel less alive. I feel that EVERY painting should be lit because we all paint with as much as light as we can get during the process, but this piece just demands it. A bright sunny room would work, as well.