Woman on Yellow

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Woman on Yellow


30 x 30

Oil on Board

Maple Shadow Frame

There are two of these women from this past summer along with a dog that is not really my dog but looks close enough, especially in this painting. But the quest here was vague. I painted it in the afternoon of a furiously hot day with wasps all in the rafters of my little studio at Nimrod and I remember thinking absolutely nothing when I started it. I just had some of my water, put the brush in the raw umber and started to sketch. She was started from the head down and so she is elongated and then I just fell in love with her enough to stay in the studio past my swimming time and get her mostly finished in a few hours. She is carved almost by the yellow in some places and in other places it is nearly transparent. The floor she stand on is similarly applied. I love a painting like this that just happens. Again it is being at work for 6 weeks straight that makes this work. My brain is flexible, the paint is so familiar I can almost not look when I dip my brush and this imagery is something I have done over and over. She is one of y favorites of all time, I think.

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