The Greens in the Land
The Greens in the Land
16 x 20
Oil on Linen
Maple Shadow Frame
This is an Original Oil Painting
I paint landscapes a lot because I have a place in the Virginia where I am lucky to spend part of my life. There is no attempt to show a specific place, normally, and this is one of those pieces that take the landscape and make it what I want it to be. It is a softer colored painting than one in direct sunshine, but thickly painted. There is something about the treeline ad mountains that I will probably paint forever. It is contrast but also in my world, simplified to make it as straightforward as it can be without sacrificing the visual interest.
I am a bit of a surface snob. I hate to admit it, but I am. Paintings with no paint handling make no sense to me to paint. Occasionally I will admit, i find a painting for myself to buy that is not so focused on the texture of paint but when i am behind the wheel, I just can’t seem to paint any other way.