Red Bucket

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Red Bucket


20 x 24

Oil on Canvas

This piece is one of an ongoing series of a girl who is dressed as a servant from an earlier time. She is sometimes doing laundry but usually in ideal circumstances and is totally idealized herself. I started painting her about 15 years ago and I could not even pinpoint exactly when, but she comes up time and time again because she is a subject matter that I paint totally intuitively and from memory with no references, so it is relaxing and fun to see where it goes. She is often my transitional piece between series of works, or just something I paint while in the middle of a large involved piece to have a break. She is not supposed to be me but I think she started as an idealized image of me when I didn't even realize it. I love to paint her though as she ambles through her life doing idealized chores. 

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